Educational Consultancy

Educational consultant: Pavlína Serbousková

Working hours: by phone agreement


  • Fixed line: +420 312 684 365
  • Mobile: +420 736 486 057

Information on the professional orientation of leaving pupils

Dear Parents,
Your child and your whole family is just in the period of serious preparing for important life decision about the professional orientation.

Perhaps even you still have couple of unanswered questions related to the further studies.
Therefore, let me offer my professional services, i.e. the consultancy of further studies possibilities, necessary lawful administrative steps.

You can consult these matters with me by phone: 736 486 057, e-mail: I’m ready to meet you personally, always by prior arrangement by phone.

Jana Baková, educational consultant for 5th to 9th classes.

Who actually is an educational consultant?

It is a pedagogue, trained for educational counselling to assist with career guidance and solving educational issues, paying special attention to disorders of children and youth in terms of educational, psychological and social standards, their identification, prevention and correction.

The central point of educational consultant’s work must be the prevention. Therefore, he or she should focus on:

  1. Work with educationally troubled children
  2. Cooperation with whole family, especially within consultancy activities
  3. Cooperation with institutions as for spreading further educational and preventive practices in working with troubled children
  4. Cooperation with with school employees as for sorting out questions regarding practices in educational work with troubled children
  5. Based on the children’s knowledge and their attitudes, do the consultancy work in cooperation with teachers, schools and other institutions within the selection of professional career and social use.

The educational consultant is directly managed by the school director.

Educational consultant’s work content includes the following:

Within methodological and information activities

  • Methodologically guides and unifies diagnostic activities of class teachers and provides them with contentual and methodological support
  • Realizes its own diagnostic activity for pupils who require it for educational, professional, social and other reasons
  • Informs the pupils` parents and teachers about the educational consultancy and diagnostic institutions` activities and about the possibilities to use their services
  • Arranges individual meetings with parents in addressing educational and learning issues of the pupils.
  • Working with pupils with educational and learning issues
  • Helps class teachers to identifying and monitoring of troubled pupils, gives suggestions for further care of there pupils
  • Helps teachers in gathering materials for psychological and special pedagogical examinations
  • Gives suggestions for the examination in the pedadogically psychological consultancy or in special pedagogical centre for pupils with developmental reading and/or behavioral disability as well as for pupils with sensorial, physical and/or mental disability
  • In cooperation with school management and teachers, takes part in educational programs aimed at addressing issues of troubled pupils.

Within specific area

  • Assists in solving conflict situations at school (parents – teacher, teacher – pupil, pupil – pupil)
  • Along with the school management, organizes the cooperation with state institutions, namely with the childcare institutions, probation officer, social and lawful child protection committee, with the police and the crisis centre.

Within career choice

  • Provides counselling for parents and pupils regarding the career choice
  • Monitors the pupils` interest in the secondary schools studies, cooperates with class teachers
  • Is responsible for correct and timely completion and sending of applications to the secondary schools
  • Takes part in creating of a curriculum for career selection

A few tips for parents of leaving pupils (5th and 9th classes)

  • personal consultations with an educational consultant (EC) after prior phone arrangement
  • the portal of is also comprehensive
  • The school atlas is at the disposal by the EC in both electronical and paper forms
  • pupils of the nineth class have the information about current events and dates noticed in their „Family Education“ exercise books
  • there is also a school hall board dedicated to the educational consultancy
  • Pedagogically psychological consultancy of Kladno, e-mail:
  • Employment office in Kladno
  • Laws as well as current events can be seen on
  • Get the information always only from the trustful sources!